Fill Out the Form
Complete the form below and we will get back to you with an offer, usually within 24 hours.

How It Works

Schedule a House Visit
At your convenience, we will come do a quick walk through of your property to ensure you receive the best fair cash offer on your property.

Schedule a House Visit

If you like the offer, we’ll start the paperwork. It’s important for us to close on your timeline. So, whether that means 3 days or 3 weeks, we will get the cash in your pocket when you need it.

Why Us
Better Path Homes is a family-owned and operated company specializing in providing a stress-free way to invest in real estate and priding ourselves in making the best connections between buyers and great investment properties.
Better Path Homes has been investing in Charlotte real estate in sought-after neighborhoods for more than 10 years, garnering a following of buyers looking for great deals to add to their rental portfolio or to fix and flip.
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©2020 by Better Path Homes.
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